Kwamoyo Thandazo Rosarium Moyo - MALA
Sex/Sukupuoli: female/narttu
D.O.B./Synt: 16.4.2022
Rek.nro: FI32859/22
Sire/Isä: EEch SEUCh FIUch SEVCh Giant Flair's Legend of Muna ya Kusini "THEMBA"
Kwamoyo Roho Yaba Diana Moyo "MIRHA"
Color/Väri: Red-wheaten/Punainen-vehnänvärinen
Hips/Lonkat: TBA
Elbows/Kyynärät: TBA
Shoulders, OC: TBA
Teeth/Purenta: Full scissors bite/täysi leikkaava purenta
Color/Väri: Red-weathen/punainen-vehnänvärinen
Owner-breeder/omistaja-kasvattaja: Jonna M.A. Halli-Salminen, Kwamoyo
Mala's name 'Rosarium' (Rosary) is a prayer. Rosary is also a type of jewelry that is worn by Catholics. It typically consists of a crucifix, rosary beads, and a medal. MALA is a Sanskrit word meaning garland, wreath and crown. in Indian religions it also is the tremor a string of beads that has been used by sages and those with spiritual aspirations for thousands of years.
Name Rosarium also honors Mala's grandma Mirha a.k.a. Kwamoyo Ododo Rosa Moyo.
MALA's achievements/Malan saavutuksia:
Ability test completed in blood tracking (in Sweden)/ Taipumuskoe MeJässä suoritettu (Ruotsissa)